I’ve Been a Broke Writer. Keep Going.

Those scales will balance.

Joel Eisenberg
3 min readMay 11, 2022


There’s a tipping point. I promise.

I wrote the following article for Medium in 2019, and it remains one of my favorites:

The title, “How to Be a Financially Impoverished High-Achieving Writer,” is self-explanatory. Acknowledging that every writer’s journey is distinct, tips are included therein as to avoid pitfalls along the way.

The bottom line is the same as always with me: Writers write. The only secret to writing … is to write.

From my experience speaking at writing and filmmaking conferences, where most seem to fail is when life gets in the way. As such, we either need to find shortcuts to attain our goals, implement unwavering disclipline, or give up.

Far too many writers give up prematurely. A cursory read of Facebook and Twitter posts represents as much, but life will always get in the way. No one is immune. Those writers who have attained their dreams have dealt with it too: illness, passings, lack of money.



Joel Eisenberg

Joel Eisenberg is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer. The Oscar in the profile pic isn’t his but he’s scheming. WGA and Pen America member.