Proactive Medium Fixes That Will Help Writers Earn What They’re Worth
A recent article on this topic received a great deal of attention and comment. Consider this a reply based on your feedback.
If you have yet to read my most-hit (in all senses of the word) Medium article since my return, here it is:
Got it? Digested okay? Good.
First, I would like thank everyone here who took the time to read this piece, and also to comment on it. It received reaction pro and con (as expected), and I read each and every bit of feedback.
Some of you I still have to get back to, and I will.
Regarding my response, this is what I read most frequently on the side that disagreed with me on certain points: I still want to learn how to make money on Medium.
Paraphrasing feedback:
- ‘Perhaps you see Medium as being overtaken by salespeople and unproven claims because that’s what you write about…